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On 13th January 2023 the proposal for the restriction of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) made by five EU member states was submitted to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). At the start of February the draft proposal was released, marking the first step in the process of critical review prior to any change to implemented legislation. The proposal under the EU REACH regulation is for a complete ban on the production, placing on the market and use of PFAS.
Vulcan supports legislative development to reduce the use of substances that negatively impact human health, but is committed to support a detailed scientific, technical and social economic debate of the proposed legislation.
Under the proposal, fluoropolymers would be included in the restriction. Fluoropolymers (fluoroplastics and fluoroelastomers) are critical materials in Vulcan sealing products to deliver the long lasting, chemically resistant, hygienic and high purity properties demanded in modern applications. Vulcan products are used in a wide variety of critical industries such as Food, Healthcare, Electronics, Transport and many more.
Fluoroplastics and fluoroelastomers provide unique properties essential to these modern applications and to prevent greater environmental impact of the same; there is currently no viable alternative material for sealing applications.
The leading fluoropolymer manufacturing companies have been investing significantly in polymer production processes, and have already made significant steps to remove the use of fluorosurfactants as polymerisation aids in the manufacture of fluoropolymers.
Vulcan supports the need for tighter global targeted legislation on PFAS such as fluorosurfactants in polymerisation, used in firefighting foam and consumer goods. However we are clear that fluoropolymers deliver unique properties to key industries critical to modern humanity and significantly contribute to creating a more sustainable society.