Multiple Spring Mechanical Seals

Multiple Spring Mechanical Seals - Design Advantages

This exceptional range of seals has been specifically designed to withstand the most challenging industrial duties, particularly in the chemical industry. To ensure unmatched performance, we have incorporated multiple phenolic resin impregnated Carbon materials (VCT1) as the standard seal face choice for this range.

The multiple spring seals require less axial length to provide the required face closing forces, allowing for shorter seal working length designs. Unlike larger single spring designs, they exhibit minimal distortion at high speeds. This results in a consistently even closing face pressure on the PTFE wedge or seal ring, ensuring optimal sealing performance at all times.

  • Improved design for superior performance
  • The Vulcan Seals Type 16 series eliminates the setting pieces of market equivalents
  • Improved seal face loading values
  • Superior material and production quality
  • Improved reliability to prolong life

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+44 (0) 114 249 3333


Vulcan Seals
The South West Centre, Troutbeck Road, S8 0JR, Sheffield, UK
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Our products are expertly designed to meet and exceed reliability, compliance and performance expectations.


Our products are expertly designed to meet and exceed reliability, compliance and performance expectations.